Showing posts with label Bra fitting dc. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Bra fitting dc. Show all posts

Tuesday, 26 February 2019
Every woman dreads buying bras. This is because it’s the most challenging process since most do not know their sizes. These three steps would help you to buy bras.
The first step is to get your measurements. If you can do it by yourself, getting a tape measure and doing it from the comfort of your bedroom would be faster and easier. Your friend may also help you, but you can also look for where to get a professional bra fitting.
The second step is to research the best boutique. Many professional boutiques will offer you customer experience services and have attendants to help you in case you need them to. The stores also have a more extensive variety of bras and would help by increasing your choices.
Lastly, seek professional assistance. There is no harm that comes with asking for help from experienced boutique attendants. If need be, you can request them to help you with bra fitting and believe it or not, you have never had such an awesome experience. They are experienced in that field and would also be glad to help you make the right choice.

1744 Columbia Rd NW #2
Washington, DC 20009

Key: bra, bras, bra fitting, bra fitting dc, Bras in DC, buy bras, bra fitting stores, bras in Washington DC , bra fittings, bra stores, bra store, where to get a professional bra fitting, best bra, swim bra

Friday, 14 December 2018

bra fitting DC
Bra fitting is paramount if you need to feel comfortable while wearing bras. As a woman, you well understand that every bra you wear is crucial. It can make your day or spoil it depending on how it fits. So, how do you get the right store for bra fitting?

The first step is to know what the store offers. The perfect bra fitting boutique has well skilled and experienced professionals to assist you when you need them. Washington has quite a number of them, and when you get a certified bra fitting DC store, you will be perfectly sorted.

Also, rely on referrals if you can get them. Reliable referrals can be from your friends, colleagues, or relatives. They should be in able to advise you on the store that did it best for them and why you should try it too.

Also, you can get referrals from online sources. You can do searches on a search engine and check out the top results. There are also websites that offer ratings, reviews, and feedback on such stores and would come in handy for you. Once you have settled on some, you can check them out by booking an appointment before your shopping day. 

Le Bustiere Boutique
1744 Columbia Rd NW #2
Washington, DC 20009

Friday, 12 October 2018

When you step into a store to buy bras, you always hope to get the right fit. However, this is always a daunting experience for most women. Most end up buying either too tight or loose ones. Here are the top three tips to walk with into the store.

Finding the Real Size

Most women have a size and cup identity crisis. They never get to find the right fit whenever they get to bra fitting stores. To help you out, the first step would be to know your size. You can ask your friend or even your boyfriend to take that tape measure and get you the measurements. If need be, ask for professional assistance.

Try Several
It never hurts to try several bras. When you visit a store, go to the stock line and select the ones you think will fit you. Every clothes store has a fitting room, and you should use it well. Adjust the straps, check the band around the bottom, and lift your boobies to check if they are comfortable enough.

Embrace Bra Fitting
Professional black owned boutiques in DC have gone a notch higher. They provide bra fitting DC, and you should invest in that. If you are fixed, ask for help and chances are high that you will get a  bra fitter ready for you.

Le Bustiere Boutique
1744 Columbia Rd NW #2
Washington, DC 20009

Thursday, 27 September 2018

Buying quality bras determines several things. It also depends on a few factors. However, there are some top three reasons why you should get quality ones.

The number one reason is that a bra is the top most important asset of your clothing. It can ruin your day or make it. Imagine it is your wedding day, such a great day, and your bra cannot keep you comfortable. What would happen if it is too tight or too baggy that it needs you to keep adjusting it? It will ruin your entire day, right?

Secondly, it is the foundation of every girl's wardrobe. A well-fitting bra will make you look confident, prevent gravity from sagging your breasts, and prevent effects of aging on the boobs. It will also help your blazers, sweaters, tops, shirts, and jackets to fit well. The confidence that any pair of heels gives you is the same that a fitting bra will provide you with. If you have a challenge getting the right fit, get bra fitting assistance in participating outlets.

Thirdly, remember you get what you pay. If you spend less on a bra, you should not expect a miracle that it will serve you for long. The more expensive it is, the higher the chances of it being made of top quality materials.

Le Bustiere Boutique
1744 Columbia Rd NW #2
Washington, DC 20009

Wednesday, 27 June 2018

Bra Fitting

The right bra fitting is equally important for health issues as it is for the wearer's comfort. A badly fitting bra is highly associated with adverse health issues. The most notable ones are neck pains, strained back pains, and headaches. 

When a woman wears a bra with a band size that is too large or a small cup size, the shoulders do the work of supporting the breasts. The breasts get supported by the shoulder straps which means more pressure is exerted on the shoulders. This will, in turn, transfer the pain to the neck and result in neck and head pains.

However, when you wear a fitting bra, the pressure is minimized. The boobs get their support from underneath and not from the shoulder straps. Other issues that could be affected, for instance, circulation and skin problems will be minimized.

A badly fitting bra can also cause breathing challenges. This is because a very tight-fitting bra exerts too much pressure on muscles and bones. This, in turn, blocks the free flow of air. To avoid all these issues, you will need to get the right sizes. If it is still an issue, then look for bra fitting DC to help you out.

Le Bustiere Boutique
1744 Columbia Rd NW #2
Washington, DC 20009

Wednesday, 14 March 2018

bra fitting

According to many fashion experts, almost 80% of women wear the wrong bra size. That is because they have never obtained accurate bra fitting services. Apparently, a bra that does not fit cannot serve its intended purpose. Thus, it is better not to wear it since it will cause discomfort. Listed below are the benefits of buying bras from stores that permit fitting.
Saves money
Most women have wasted money on bras that do not fit. Apparently, these outfits cannot be returned to the store once they have been bought. Thus, money invested in a wrong sized bra is wasted. The bra fitting stores help in curbing this financial wastage. They enable the buyers to purchase only what fits them. That enables buyers to save money.
Reduced difficulty
Many women are never confident when procuring bras. That is because they do not know their bra size. This ignorance makes buying bras to be very difficult. The shops offering bra fitting services reduce this difficulty. They enlighten the women about their exact bra size. Thus, it becomes very easy for them to get the perfect bra.
Fitting bras
Wearing bras that do not fit is not comfortable. The oversize ones never hold the breast in proper position. That makes wearing them useless. The tight ones might cause dangerous health issues. Stores that provide accurate fittings help to avoid such issues. After the fitting, the women will immediately find a bra that is comfortable for them.
Le Bustiere Boutique
1744 Columbia Rd NW #2
Washington, DC 20009

Wednesday, 10 January 2018

buy bras
Weird but true; bras are an important item in every woman’s closet. But other than enhancing their beauty underneath, bras have some health benefits that are often overlooked. First things first, there are numerous types of bras in the market and this can making shopping for one a bit hectic. Not to worry though; we are here to help you make the right underwear choice.

Some of the most important things you must consider when you buy bras are the size of the bra, the texture of the bra, and the type of bra. By considering the three, you will be able to get yourself the right kind of bra for the day. However, you should also consider the outfits that you will be wearing the bra with because at the end of the day, the idea is to emphasize the beauty of your figure, right?

So, what are the health benefits that come with wearing the right size of bra?
  • Less chest and back pains – Believe it or not, most of the times, back and chest pains in women are breast-related. And this could mean that you are wearing the wrong bra.
  • Less breast pain –When a bra is too tight, it will put pressure on your breasts making them painful. On the other hand, a buggy bra will make your breasts sag which might also cause pain.
That said, if you have been feeling pain around your chest and back area and the doctor seems not to find any medical complications, then bra fitting DC could be your solution. 

Le Bustiere Boutique
1744 Columbia Rd NW #2
Washington, DC 20009

Wednesday, 13 December 2017

Bra fitting dc

Studies have shown that many women do not put on the right bra size. This is because they do not have a clear idea of the size they ought to wear. Every time they shop for bras, they guess the sizes. Apparently, some stores never offer bra fitting services. This causes their clients to buy bras that do not fit. Listed are the benefits of relying on bra fitting services.
Exact bra size
The task of the bra stores is not only selling the outfit to their target clients. It should ensure clients buy fitting bras. However, not all stores fulfill this objective. Their goal is just to sell the bras. Their customers end up being dissatisfied because they never find a fitting size. Shops that offer fitting services enable their customers to find their exact bra size.
Time and money
When you purchase a bra that does not fit, you will have wasted your time and money. The stores that do not allow fitting never accept returns after the bras are bought. That is a huge loss to their clients. Those that allow fitting enable their clients to invest time in making the right choice. Apart from that, the clients will have spent their money wisely.
Easy purchase
Without fitting, it is impossible for customers to be confident in their choices and purchases. They will be in fear of spending their cash on an outfit they will never wear. Bra fitting dc shops offer makes the purchase easier. The clients can easily select the finest bras in the stores.
Le Bustiere Boutique
1744 Columbia Rd NW #2
Washington, DC 20009


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